LETTERS TO PAUL 2022Letters to Paul is a video installation with 13 mobile phones. Each of the phones contains a letter to Paul B. Preciado in the form of a TikTok post. The installation is also exhibited in TikTok account @letterstopaul. 

Letters to Paul is a work that was born out of the need to be in dialogue with Preciado’s texts. Cadia has been deeply inspired by Preciado’s writing and this installation is their first attempt to apply autotheoretical thinking into artistic practice. Letters to Paul is a spacial cluster of thoughts on the planet Uranus, a German scientist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and the division of subjectivity to uncover its multitudes. 

videos, texts, direction: Cadia
sound designer: DJ Kridlokk
visual consultant: Minttu Vesala

Letters to Paul was exhibited in Vantaa Art Museum 2022. 
